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Do NOT watch the video
¡°Do not upload adult porn.¡± This is a phrase written on the recently closed...
½ÅÁö¿ø  |  2019-12-15 11:13
YANGYANG MARKET: We open a small market for road cats!
Here are the students who started a small business for cats. Have you ever ...
½ÅÁö¿ø  |  2019-09-10 23:49
Recently, the famous Japanese brand UNIQLO or unmanned goods shops can no l...
½ÅÁö¿ø  |  2019-09-07 11:44
Abortion constitutional nonconformity ; Results reversed after 66 years
Sixty-six years after the enactment of criminality of abortion in 1953, the...
½ÅÁö¿ø  |  2019-06-11 10:25
Is it really possible to produce eggs without cage?
On February 7, 2019, an eerie Starbucks logo shedding blood appeared in Jon...
½ÅÁö¿ø  |  2019-03-31 11:59
Chamelezone: Rebirth of Space
In 2019, keywords defining and segmenting the fluid consumer market have be...
½ÅÁö¿ø  |  2018-12-06 12:35
I am not a Superman
On May 15, a petition was posted on the presidential petition board titled ...
½ÅÁö¿ø  |  2018-10-15 17:24
Classy Fake
VR is set to revolutionize our lives as it infiltrates every aspect of our ...
½ÅÁö¿ø  |  2018-10-12 15:44
SAM ; Come and get some rest
In Inha University, there are a lot of clubs. Today, I would like to introduce ¡®Sam¡¯, which is literary club that is dee...
½ÅÁö¿ø  |  2018-10-04 11:34
No more Medical Heroes
A local trauma center is a center that specializes in treating emergency pa...
½ÅÁö¿ø  |  2018-09-18 18:43
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